Experts in Skin Rejuvenation
Dameto Clinics International
Dr. Gabriel Siquier, founder of Dameto Clinics International, is one of the world’s most well known aesthetic physicians.
He gives trainings and masterclasses worldwide, teaching the latest methods and techniques in the field of skin rejuvenation

Breaking News
Profhilo® Structura
Lift the skin of your face with Profhilo® Structura, the latest innovation of Profhilo®.
This new injectable product contains a high dosis of ultra pure Hyaluronic Acid without any chemical additives and it is meant to improve the subcutaneous fat layer in the face which will lift the skin. This is called ‘lipolifting’.
Discover more about this new treatment that is now available at Dameto Clinics International
We are proud to offer a wide selection of non-invasive medical and aesthetic treatments to make you look beautiful.